RTA - Residential Tenancies Authority




Are you a LANDLORD renting your investment property?

Are you a TENANT looking for a rental property or in a General Tenancy Agreement right now?

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is making a positive difference for tenants, landlords and property managers alike.

Robina Village Real Estate has 'raised the bar' on general standards practised for Property Management in our community, ensuring both landlord and tenants alike are respected according to their rights and expected standards. 

We like to inform our clients awareness. 

Your property manager references and has a knowledge of industry standard documentation to ensure all requirements are met for the management of a general tenancy.

Industry legislation and standards are covered in many different intricate and complicated documents - one of these is the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, which is a very large document (a 369-page document). 

This can be difficult for the lay person to navigate and understand and WHO HAS THE TIME?

Provided by the RTA is a user friendly website for landlords and tenants alike. Being aware of industry standards, laws, expectations and your rights is essential for a happy and manageable general tenancy relationship.

Click on the link for these user-friendly resources which simplify the industry requirements. The RTA provide coloured booklets, fact sheets and general tenancy forms, to answer your questions when commencing a new tenancy agreement, to access during your term of tenancy and for being well informed when exiting the tenancy.

We highly recommend the use of these RTA resources whether a landlord or tenant (written by Lia Juriansz)

For more information contact our Robina Village Real Estate Property Manager at email: ~


For more practical resource booklets and fact sheets: ~

